La Forge de Montolieu

We are lucky to know them, We thank them for their know-how and the heart they put to their work :


Le Puits du Trésor

Lastours, 12 km north of Carcassonne in the heart of the Cathar country, Jean-Marc Boyer will welcome you to its starry establishment Le Puits du Trésor and its Bistrot formula: Le Diable au Thym. Between the vineyards of Minervois and Cabardès, the restaurant is leaned against the sunny side of the Montagne Noire, on the refreshing shore of the Orbiel.

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Yves Thuriès, chocolatier, Meilleur Ouvrier de France

It is from its beautiful shop in Carcassonne, Place Carnot, that the chocolate that we use for our legendary chocolate mousse comes from. Yves Thuriès managed the unique feat in the annals of winning twice the same year the contest of Meilleurs Ouvrier de France in 1974. We can, also, with a requested deadline and on order billable, to deposit a box of surprise chocolate to the attention of a person who is celebrated, surprised, loved, thanked, congratulated …

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Murielle Ballet, fleuriste, Meilleur Ouvrier de France

We can with a requested deadline and billable order, to make deposit a surprise bouquet to the attention of a person celebrated, surprise, loved, to thank, to congratulate …

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Ty An Holen

Organic producer of Brittany sea salt

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Our local partners

The Ares Verts and Emile Pautou in Montolieu for vegetables, Moundy of Saint-Denis for dairy products, La Ferme du Colombier and Cammas farm in Fontiers-Cabardès for cheese, Michel Sendra de Villegailhenc for flour, Bareil in Alzonne and Emile Laurent in Saint-Denis for meat and catering, Groceries - Bergé in Carcassonne, La Locomotive in Saint-Denis and Vival in Montolieu, Mille et une feuilles for the bakery and pastries in Montolieu, Intermarché in Alzonne.

Cypres des Arbres

Pruning and forest management

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Rhododendrons et Azalées

forge de montolieu

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Les agrumes Michel Dufau

specialist in citrus trees, horticulturist, member HPF (Horticulturist and nurseryman of France).

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Association des Parcs et Jardins du Languedoc-Roussillon – Praedium Rusticum

forge de montolieu

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Pépiniéristes locaux

forge de montolieu

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Villaverde - Carcassonne

forge de montolieu

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Quelques artisans et fournisseurs

L’art de fer

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L'Association des Ferroniers et Forgerons de L'Aude

forge de montolieu

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Pascal Maire

Électricité générale

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Motoculture Service 11

Stihl shop and maintenance / sale of professional machine for parks and gardens

Tollens Carcassonne

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Mairie de Montolieu

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Musée du Livre et des Arts graphiques

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La Coopérative — collection Cérès Franco

forge de montolieu

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Association du Marque Page / Le Banquet des Générations à Lagrasse

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Le Moulin à papier de brousse

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ADT de l'Aude (Agence du Développement Touristique)

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Carcassonne Agglo

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Association Le Pays Carcassonnais

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Plateformes de réservation :

I - Les Guide Rivages des Maisons d'hôtes de charme

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Alastair Sawday’s — Special Places to Stay in France

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Trip Advisor

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Gites de France

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