discoveries - Exchanges - Receptions ...
From time to time there is no need to sleep at La Forge to discover it ;
at the turn of an open-doors day, a concert, a reading aloud presentation, a workshop ...
On the initiative of Charles and Laure Cowen and / or their friends artists, artisans, producers, traders ...
See you in the garden
Opening on Sunday from 10am. at 17 o'clock.
As every year for 6 years now, La Forge de Montolieu will open its park to the public on the first Sunday of June. The theme for 2018 of this annual national meeting is Europe. At the beginning of June, rhododendrons flower in large massifs and multiple varieties at La Forge.
Our faithful friend's nursery - Christian Paillon, nursery Saint-Joseph (Nature & Progress) of Mas-Sainte-Puelle offers thousands of intriguing local or tropical plants, aromatic, medicinal, ornamental, flowers, herbs … He will be present with a selection of plants for sale.
Other activities, artisans, artists, producers and traders can be added punctually. Quality informal - and totally unpredictable - conversations take place at random between the owners of La Forge, their guest exhibitors and garden lovers.
Free and free visit.
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Heritage Days
Opening on Sunday from 10am. at 17 o'clock
A bed of wild cyclamen strews the surroundings of the house.
The focus is on the history of La Forge and its park, its belonging to the industrial heritage of the Aude.
In 2016 had been the culmination of a guided tour of 3 hours. remnants of fifteen former Montolivian
industrial sites,
along the Hard, about 3 kms.
Heritage Days
Labelling of the Douglas Fir from La Forge as a Remarkable Tree of France
About fifty passionate trees and gardens from all over France gathered this day of May 2015 to celebrate the entry of Douglas Pine Tree.
The association A.R.B.R.E.S. composed of passionate members who adore trees aims to protect, safeguard and promote research on the most beautiful trees in France.
By labeling the most beautiful subjects of the "kingdom", it makes the public aware of the heritage value of these.

In Montolieu, the cypresses of the Saint-Roch chapel are also labeled.
Dinner-concerts in La Forge on Friday
of summer
A drummer and a saxophonist at the base and the other musicians are friends or are part of the hosts of the Forge, in summer. The musicians play on the terrace, the dinner is delicious, the lighting is soft, improvisation is required, jazzy style dominates.
Reading aloud at the foot of the Douglas :
The man who planted trees, Jean Giono, at Gallimard.
La Lettre volée bookstore / boutique is open to guests of La Forge as well as to its visitors.
La Lettre volée offers new, second-hand and bibliophile books.
With a generalist tendency, she specializes in art, poetry, the Book Crafts ...

There are also music, photos and many other unusual items or local groceries.
Translation workshop
proposed by Po & Psy, with the participation of Iranian authors and translators: Jean-Restom Nasser & Tayebeh Hashemi, translators from Persian (Sohrab Sepheri, Abbas Kiarostami, Alireza Rôshan).
(Joseph Conrad) organized by the students of the IUT of the Professions of the Written of Toulouse, for themselves and the hosts of the moment of La Forge, around a succulent Chili con Carne specialty of the house.